Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dojo Mojo

My son wants to be a nunchaku whiz, just like Bruce Lee (doesn't everybody?)

I can report back that my son and I attended two free introductory lessons, and we were both happy to continue, so we joined our nearest Kyokushin Karate Dojo.

I suspect my temperament would better suit softer-styles of martial arts (such as tai chi!), but given that my son is determined to go to this particular dojo, there was little point in us going to separate places.

The primary reason my son was keen to join was, apart from his friend being there, the instructor teaches weapons, like the nunchaku and the bo. The instructor knows that kids love the weapons and it's mostly kids who attend the weapons class!

I am concerned about the long term effects of a full-contact karate-style like Kyokushin, because I'm not there to learn to fight, but to get fit, but I'm willing to overcome my fears and do something together with my son.

The martial arts adventure begins!

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